Social Studies & Analysis

Social research refers to studies conducted by social scientists in order to find answers to questions usually concerning mankind and society. A social research study may include multi-disciplines such as social policy, human geography, political science, social anthropology, and education, etc.

Different methods are used to conduct such studies, these can generally be subdivided into two broad categories; Qualitative and Quantitative.

Quantitative methods are concerned with attempts to quantify social phenomena and collect and analyze numerical data and focus on the links among a smaller number of attributes across many cases. Qualitative methods, on the other hand, emphasize personal experiences and interpretations over quantification and are more concerned with understanding the meaning of social phenomena and focus on links among a larger number of attributes across relatively few cases. While very different in many aspects, both qualitative and quantitative approaches involve a systematic interaction between theories and data.

Common tools of quantitative research include surveys, questionnaires, and secondary analysis of statistical data that is gathered for other purposes (for example, censuses or the results of social attitudes surveys).

The raw data collected requires analysis. This can take several different forms, depending on the type of study and the form of analysis it requires.

Typically, the major components in a social research study can be listed as:

  • The Research Strategy
  • The Research Design
  • Method of Data Collection and Analysis

R2V can conduct and convene all of these components and can perform exhaustive analysis which can help in making better and informed decisions for the betterment of humankind.