climate-resilient studies

Climate resilience is, at its core, the ability to predict, plan for, and react to dangerous climate events, trends, or disturbances. Improving climate resilience means figuring out how climate change will make new climate-related risks or change existing ones, and then taking steps to deal with these risks better.

To complete such a project, our organization takes a two-pronged approach.

In all of these fields, it is important to be able to use GIS and Remote Sensing to do assessments, analyses, and make decisions.
Alternative Energy: Set up energy parks based on where in the area or city you can make the most electricity.
In-depth Water Resource Assessment and Hazard Modeling to figure out the quality of the water in the subsoil, surface, and overhead tanks. For hazard modeling, GIS, Remote Sensing, and specially-made Digital Elevation Models will be used to do a detailed analysis. For sufficiency and trustworthiness, more analysis will be done using rainfall records, flood data, and an evaluation of the datasets that have been collected.
Rainwater collection and water management would also be on the list of things to do.
A strong collection system is used for Waste Management and Sewage Treatment. But the areas of disposal and waste management are still bad, which hurts the environment and poses health risks. Extensive studies are done and plans are made to start using smart waste management and disposal technologies and to figure out where and what kind of Sewage Treatment Plant would work best in the situation at hand. Again, recommendations will have to be long-lasting and maybe even a way to make money.

In essence, climate resilience is the ability to predict, prepare for, and respond to dangerous climate events, trends, or disturbances.


Horticulture and reforestation are important parts of smart cities that are good for the environment. During this study, our experts in horticulture and forestation work with the survey and GIS teams to find good places for forest cover, study the soil conditions, and suggest plants and trees that will grow quickly and those that will take longer. Invasive species of trees and plants that don’t belong in the area will be found and removed so that the environment in the required area is ecologically balanced.
Pollution is a major health risk in cities, so monitoring air quality is an area of interest. At key locations, sensor-based air quality monitors will be used to find out where the pollution is coming from and what kind it is. This information will be sent to the authorities and the residents in real-time. When the risk gets close to normal levels, mitigation steps are taken so that the risk doesn’t keep causing damage.